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Chapter 2: Cosplay + Naruto = Karate?

Chapter 2:

Cosplay + Naruto = Karate?

Its my favorite day: Saturday. No school, no work, just hanging out with my best-friend, Jessi-chan.

Shes also my sister in a way. How? My parents who also adopted me when I was five adopted Jessi-chan a year ago after her parents died of "Undetermined Circumstances." Basically, they were found dead in the house and the doctors were to stupid to do their job.

I wouldnt say she's over it, that will never happen, but shes strong so shes been able to get on with her life.

On a happier note, today the two of us will be finishing our cosplays. The cosplays of choice are the greatly overdone female Naruto outfit and Kingdom Hearts II Kairi.

A lot of my friends, but mostly Jessi-chan, always say I look like Kairi. So, I decided to dress like her. But why did she have to wear dresses?! And why pink?!

The Naruto cosplay was for Jessi-chan. She already had blond hair and blue eyes and she sure did fit the part. Though, I did try (unsuccessfully) to get her to cosplay as Namine, she refused to wear the white frilly dress. Cant say I blame her. One word: Klutz.

We work as diligently as possible. After all, this is the last weekend before the con and we still need to finish up with a few smaller details.

"So, you gonna look for a Sora when we get there? After all, every Kairi needs a Sora." Great the boyfriend subject again. I hate dating; all the guys I know are pervs. Some are friends, but still pervs.

"Ha ha. You know how I feel about dating. Plus, if I could date a KH character it would be Roxas or Riku."

"Roxas! See! Roxas is Sora! So Ha! In your face!" Jessi-chan had way too much sugar again.

"Roxas is NOT Sora! Hes part of Sora! They have completely different personalities," I say speaking over the sewing machine of doom. "What about you? Are you going to look?"

"Why would I look for a Sora when Im a female Naruto?" she asks accompanied by a blank stare.

"Not Sora, never mind." I shake my head. Turns out looking away from the sewing machine while its running is a bad idea. The stitch messed up! I'll kill it!

"Urgh! Dummen Scheizen!" I scream in German frustrated. "Break time!" I jump up.

* * *

"Were done! Were done! Were done!" Jessi-chan yells while jumping around the room like the insane maniac she is.

"Yeah," I agree back into a good mood.

"Now that were done lets watch Naruto!" Not waiting for a response, she runs into the computer room.

I pull up a black roller chair next to my friend in front of the computer like we do ever Saturday.

Usually, we'll watch an episode or two of Naruto every Saturday and I read the online manga chapter that comes out. Jessi-chan doesnt like to read so, as far as the time jump is concerned, she has no idea of what happens. I still have yet to tell her that the Shippuuden came out. Yes, I know its evil...but it's also fun.

* * *

"Still no time jump!" I shout pretending to be mad.

"Yeah, and Naruto-kun is so cute when hes older," she sighs. "But at least hes in the ending credits!" she says brightly. She's so optimistic sometimes it scares me; though, I cant really say anything about scary moods.

"Jessi-chan, the time jump has come out in the anime." I stare.

"Wha? But you said-!" she tries to state.

"Its called Naruto Shippuuden. You just keep typing in the wrong thing."

"Oh, wait how do you know that?!" she exclaims.

I smile while explaining myself, "I've been watching them while you weren't around. I wanted to see how long it would take you to figure it out on your own, but I got bored with it."

"Thats not nice! I wanna watch them!" she starts to type something in the youtube search bar.

"Jessi-chan we have to get ready for Karate now. Theres no time. And you can't even spell it," I say dragging her away from the computer.

The two of us just started Karate about a month ago, so we arent too far along. I've been advancing at a good pace simply because I have good muscle memory (thanks to years of ballet) and that I run about 2 or 3 miles every day.

Jessi-chan on the other hand doesn't enjoy me dragging her with me. She has a bit of a harder time with learning the moves and stamina but she has good breathing habits from chorus. If she wasn't so lazy, she could easily become kick ass!

"What do ya mean 'we'?! Im not going!" That would be the laziness I mentioned.

"Come on, Jessi-chan, its only an hour, and I wont even make you come running with me afterwards!" I release her once in our room so we could get changed.

"Fine, but we gotta ask about getting ice cream after class."

I agree though I am completely opposed to the idea. "Alright, but you ask mom."

"Ok!" Jessi-chan yells running to get dressed so we can hurry up and get to the ice cream stand.